Delta Plus

Respiratory mask search engine


The steps of selecting respiratory protection: 1 O2 or not O2, 2 Identification of substances, 3 Concentration


filters Type of protection Ref. mask Ref. filter exposure limit value (ELV)
7664-93-9 Hydrogen sulfate H2SO4 BE 450 + P3 MC M9200 M9300
M9000EABE2P3 M9000A2B2E2K2P3
1 mg/m3
Warning: The data contained in this eespiratory masks and filters search engine is based on laboratory tests results. These tests were conducted using standard test methods that may not correspond to the conditions of use on the site. Consequently, and where Delta Plus has no knowledge or control over the conditions of use of their products, these recommendations are indicative only and may not incur their liability.